Monday 4 March 2013

Task3 Walk + Personality walk
We have walking everyday,but doing 3D walk is not easy. I get some researches for walking principle, I wish I can get some helps from them.


The Rig Model is download from Blackboard and it can also download from:
I also learn something from tutor's blog on BB
There are my sketches for walking and also learn muscle structure:
The walk
I have face many problems with my walking(3D). The steps always going wrong way of cannot
keep on same place.
I do it like toturial blog did.At begining of walk, I focus on foot walk. Selecting key freme poses,
then add hand work.
This is frist testing:
They are looks a little bite unnatrue. I try to use graph editor to control it better.

This is my final work I have done:
Some problems with my walk recycle. I can't copy my Animation curve to let character move

The personality walk
Sketches :
I want do someone walk slowly to escape research.
According to my sketches, I use 3d model to some key pose like this:

The problem always on foot and also bodys.
I have improved work and put background and light for it. However the recycle problem didn't solve.
Happy give some feedback helps.


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