Monday, 4 March 2013

The Croods – Road and Fire Clips

The Croods – Road and Fire ClipsThis new Animation movie in this year. The video show a funny story in this Famliy. Good faces to talk and show rich emotion. It is useful research for my Lip sync

Cloudy Shake

Cloudy ShakeThis is very funny performence video although is not too long.Good dancing poses design!
Every character in there has strong personality.
Task5 Song performence
I have learnt lip  form task4, I think that is good experiance for this task. At this task I should make charactor to show some personality to sing a song.
The name of my song file is The windy city , I found this song performence video online. It is good
research for my pose design in this task.

  According the video, I design my character sitting on table and sing. Here are sketches for
poses design:

And poses in 3D

 Testing these poses:
I have to give some faces for my character to show his enmotion.



Task4 Lip Sync
This task for character talking. The poses and lipwork should consider to do.

These are my sketches for key freme poses and breakdown:
I design the character sitting at table like to talk to some one and warnig.
The topic of this task is give.
All the audio is from BB
There are pose in 3D

I testing it when I finished the Key freme and breakdown poses.
Lip work is going well but lack some breakdown to connect every key poses.
I have try to solve these problem in final work. There are two video for my final work, the one no put breakdown, another put breakdown in.


Task3 Walk + Personality walk
We have walking everyday,but doing 3D walk is not easy. I get some researches for walking principle, I wish I can get some helps from them.


The Rig Model is download from Blackboard and it can also download from:
I also learn something from tutor's blog on BB
There are my sketches for walking and also learn muscle structure:
The walk
I have face many problems with my walking(3D). The steps always going wrong way of cannot
keep on same place.
I do it like toturial blog did.At begining of walk, I focus on foot walk. Selecting key freme poses,
then add hand work.
This is frist testing:
They are looks a little bite unnatrue. I try to use graph editor to control it better.

This is my final work I have done:
Some problems with my walk recycle. I can't copy my Animation curve to let character move

The personality walk
Sketches :
I want do someone walk slowly to escape research.
According to my sketches, I use 3d model to some key pose like this:

The problem always on foot and also bodys.
I have improved work and put background and light for it. However the recycle problem didn't solve.
Happy give some feedback helps.


Task2 Poses
 There are many interesting poses in our daily life. I find that is good researches to do the 3D poses.
  This is my life drawing at railway station. I have watched them walking round, I observed that  everyone has their own personality. So, they show difference enmotion when they do same poses.
I think I have found good example for my 3D poses now.

I have chosen three topics from the balckboard.
Waiting to start
What's under there?
Trouble result/serpurise
This is sketches of them:

After discussed from tutorial, I have pick up some poses to improve. Here thay are:

There are some researches for my poses work:

Pose1 Waiting to start
These are my poses for waiting. The one pose for a person waiting for someone to do something or
or waiting meeting to start. The character looks upset because he has been waiting for long time.
The other one is a sporter, he wants quickly to start game.So, he is sitting on the desk and ask people hurry to play the game.

Pose2 what's under there?
I design the poses for someone looking for something. The character looking for his ball under desk.

Pose3 trauble result/serpurise
This pose story is about naughty boy break the ball when he is walking. After that, he serpurised what he have done. 
There are 2 poses for serpurise: